Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Plunge in Crab Cove


 Little Laughing Sally

After posting image captures the events
 of several weeks ago on Monday
 I felt an urge to return
and to go further than before

 The tide returns me to Crab Cove

 Think I'll get a little large myself
on my own bev-mo of choice

 Does this stuff even exist

 So it's back in the cove
High noon and high tide
total immersion this time

 Went in wearing my boxer shorts
then sat in them to dry,
No one comes this far 
when the tide is up

Felt so great, so cheering
something primordial reached,
Wee bit chill for me
so it was fairly in and out

shorebirds line jetty
fixed-wing pelicans come in
standing room only

 The Sea and the stones
a language of their own

 Two great pelicans
toboggan past in tandem
summer olympics

the  receding tide
wavelet passes over rocks
 a summer goes by

Sometimes a hermit
I will admit,
Sometimes a crab
but just a bit

  Pods coming on strong

  a vast jam session of trees

 Neighborhood conspiracy
to make passers-by feel suspect
Ha-ha, crooks drive cars

 I have a new mind

the sea inside

...sleepy now...

There's always refreshment

 A walk on the wild side

Not tonight, Jail-bait
Sugar soda got a sin tax

I think I'll
take the first conveyance

 I'm still a bit at sea

 As sea and sky 
begin to marbleize

 The day began to slant
into the sundown

 Transitional clouds
foreshadow September

Toward  radiance

30 August 2016

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