Saturday, August 13, 2016

Neo-Berkeley Today

Bishop and scholar
Berkeley Public Library

Nylon stockings
with dollar signs

Michael Jackson and ET
one supposes

Uh oh
cop scene on Alcatraz

Business as usual
five squad cars

Where was this place
 when there was
risk involved in pioneering
dispensing medical marijuana?
Now these out-of-towners
want to use their capital
to tilt the local playing field

Telegraph Ave
an innocent passer-by

America Denim
where is your denim made?

Girls of Berkeley
Foreheads forward
into the breeze 
of change

They don't let you forget
it's an election season

These sudden flowers 
 I've already forgotten 
this summer color

This is the all time
choice between two stinkers
Never have I disliked
both candidates as profoundly

The flora of Berkeley,
can't buy the thrill

An old cat on the bus
started out in Chicago,
Didn't go to blues bars
implied it was dangerous

12-13 August 2016

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