Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Flower Walking in the Maytime

 Outside Fairyland

It's gray and chilly on the Bay today
like the blossoms themselves
Sunday's meditations stored up some sunshine

 A child's garden

 Everyday wonders to behold

 Bowling Green

 The old men have been
 lawn-bowling here
for a long long time

 It shows in the whorls
and lines of their faces

 The inevitable toll
of time and the weather

 It shows in lines
of grim determination

Skill and perhaps wisdom accrue
no matter what you do

 Azalea Bonzai

 Characterized by blossoms
of different color
on the same stunted tree

 Striking white lobe
of fleshy blossoms

This one as ordered
and ceremonial
as a wedding cake

 Approximate colors
are all I can capture
under florescent lights

This one's hues
come close to actuality

 Still beautiful
if only a portion

 They had tea and Japanese crackers
Providing a nice buzz for this busy bee
to continue on his way

Color Quest

Electric magenta

 Red and blue,
A guy slowly twirling
S-shaped blades 
under dramatic clouds
as his girlfriend filmed him

 Green myriad

 Purple blossom

Yellow sunburst
to say good-bye

22 May 2016

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