Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Drive-by Telegraph Fast

Telegraph Avenue
Oakland to Berkeley

Glimpses of a world outside
flying by

Here was Don's old place of longstanding
Don Joyce who passed away 
one year ago

The crazy murals
were fairly recent
The trending Temescal

I'd like to see this place
from the inside
its odd illumination

Hanging onto
the charm of old California 
a gone way of life

Tattoo parlor
for the young
and the risky

First attempt
at shooting
the tattoo parlor

This was called Mama Bears forever
a bookshop events cafe 
for women

My old neighborhood
of twenty years

Shades shop thrives

While the shady old pawn shop
gives up the ghost
of unobtainable dollars

Holding out for
an anachronistic
way of life

Rents went insane

Woolsey street my old corner
Didn't eat here,
The Berkeley/Oakland border
runs right through it,
Where the keystone cops used to stop
the protest marches back in the day,
Heard the zany stories
 at the nearby Lutheran polling place
where I helped get out the vote

Spring 2016

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