Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weird Tales Hit Crown Beach

Based on a True Story


Just another diamond day,
Just a blade of grass,

The Insular Beach

Alameda a place that time forgot,
Suggests as well a time that land forgot,

The miraculous flight of a fisher
The miracle of a boy wading in the tide

Weird island or isthmus,
Afterthought of the Oakland estuary,
Yet you can board a board and paddle 
Out the Golden Gate all the way to Maui

 Twenty-first century surf shop

 Rent anything you can ride 
That isn't motorized

Kite-boarding rocks the ho-daddy haircut,
Those girls were doing Butoh I think

Pulled over at a table for a very basic aquatic picnic,
Sardines, whole rye pumpernickel with almond butter,
A little jar of brandy

As I was capturing the preceding image,
A veritable Luftwaffe of honking,
Goose-stepping goose flesh
Hurled past only a few feet over my head

The Enigmatic Incident

 What is this?
Found earth art brute?

 Wait, it's some sort of a sordid pagan shrine...
Cthulhu !!!
The little girl with powder blue flip-flops
Who went missing...

 Back way slowly



 What are these things???
Scores of them...

 One of them may have stung my foot,
Lost focus... had to sit down in the sand,
I felt like I was sitting on top of a washing machine,
I must have fallen asleep

Embryonic Aftermath 

 It was later the same day,
The unfamiliar life forms were no where in sight,
The effigy was gone too, washed away I suppose,
Few people remained
Their eyes looked changed

 I walked back the entire length of the beach
To a less windy spot where I had stopped to smoke,
I must have dropped the roach but there it still was

 I began to feel at home in my skin again,
The world regained its grace

 Downtown again,
The banality seemed to conceal something

Then I was hurtling through a tunnel
Back under the estuary
Like a sequence from 2001
Gonna take you down to Funkytown

15 July 2015

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