Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer Nightwalking

Round and round and round we go

You know the scenario,
 The Flaneur sets out on the streets after nine 
To see what mysteries they hold 
In the late-arriving darkness of early Summer

 To ward off those in the thug-life
I let Tupac be my spirit guide

On a night formidable
yet not forbidding

Emergency measures are close at hand

 Behind this fence,
Battalions of police vehicles,
An off-duty cop stopped his car,
To ask me if I was looking for something

 Synesthesia down by the cinemas,
The crossing lights were clanging

A long, long freight train
Comes into focus

 It owns the tracks

 Pedestrain walkways are swell,
Mais, non pour un flaneur

 A well-regarded jazz club and Japanese restaurant,
Beside the tracks

Called on the carpet,
Sometimes the bear eats you

 A gloriously mild night

Planets aplenty tonight
 Some so bright that they may be seen
Through the non-stop light pollution

 Shorebirds fish and fly at night,
I am one

Enticing night for a dip

 Seafood semiotics

 These are a few of our favorite things,
Sports chauvinism and booze

The booze bottles transform
Into clown alley

Just like the gold version
On display in the lobby of the State Capitol

Monster Drop, Monster Drop,
Monster gonna drop on you

Some may regard me as lost at sea
But I feel like I'm in on the big score

29 June 2015

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