Thursday, January 14, 2016

Noel Noel, Part IV: Mountain View Christmas


  Disneyland for the Dead

 Christmas Day chilly and bright
The Flaneur heads out 
to the splendid grounds of Mountainview Cemetery,
Naturally he's dressed for it
and he's packing

Going to the chapel 
Going to get buried
Going to the Chapel 
of Chimes


I walked up in the smiley sunshine
Devouring some squares of cannabis chocolate
Which is of course not in the least bit square

A Christmas Welcome

Winter in Northern California
Sunny days while brisk
are fine for enjoying hours outdoors

Let's see,
Where shall I perch?

Out of the wind, 
strong sunshine

A lovely view,
looks like it could do

Here I had my buche de noel
So peaceful the comments of birds
and the distant cataracts of the highways
were the only sounds


Look within 
Must have been one cool cat
A star of the flamboyant West

 The Sphinx served as my lunch date
Silent but not without a sense of humor

 What the Sphinx sees
The broken column the red trees
St Mary's boneyard on yonder hillside

 A moment's reflection
On the business of war
and its casualties

View from the East side 
To the Golden Gate
Here deep peace and quietude

A nice little condo-leum 
A place to rest until the End of Days

Another way station,
The Cogswell monument
He was a doctor who traveled the States 
Raising money for public drinking fountains,
Stately granite sculptures in city centers and parks,
To discourage the ever-ready hard drink,
I toasted him with some of my brandy
A long talk with a couple of fellow hikers

What Cogswell sees

Behind this glass a hundred years

Still waiting 

For the Angel at the End of Days
To come to the door

What the Angel sees
Long shadows and green grass

 The Feast of the Nativity
Solstice sunset
The red trees alight


Phalloid against the void

Life on the San Francisco Bay 
Revolves around Mount Tamalpais
Seen here at sunset,
Verging on eternity

Better make trails
Before the close the gates

 Making the cemetery a fun place for kids to visit


 Yuletide good-bye

25 December 2015

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