Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Heavy Metal City

Metal postcard
Found meditation amulet

The Flaneur still feels the electro-magnetism 
attached to industrial civilization

Oakland Iron Works
Went out after supper 
To the liquor store at the Port for brandy
Passenger trains were passing as I passed by

Corpses writhe in  lesbian sex acts
On piles of skeletons...

 And that's just the new Star Wars

 It's a heavy metal world, mortals
No one can tell what it means

Earlier the same day, from the 12 bus window,
I observe that they are finally demolishing this monstrosity
On the corner of Telegraph and Claremont
Empty for decades, a long-gone bank
Built like a concrete overpass

19 January 2016


Samsara is Nirvana

23 January 2016

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