Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Shorebirds and Driftwood (MLK Day)

Just what it says in the heading
Lots of pictures of the same ideas
in a motion study click-through
not for everyone's cup of tea perhaps
but dig the Flaneur must

California size

Winter sunlight
dim yet sustaining

Flocks of shorebirds
fly in formation
just above the water

A strange figure jogs past
along the edge

The sea returns
what falls into it
mammoth trees

Winter driftwood
piles of it

Enthusiasts compile it
in homage
to the San Francisco skyline
vaguely in view

But I'm here for the birds

Their thrilling

We are quite sympatico
they sense I'm a gentleman

A fantastic burled tree

what is that?

A new life-form
for the experienced nature boy
must be a fungus

One that apparently
fell from space

After the pandemonium
the birds calm down again

Then group mind asserts itself

And they are up in the air



it's incredible
a wonder to behold

The miraculous
way of the world

The dream of shelter

The abundant sea

A peaceful kingdom
under the existential
threat of plastic,
Short-sighted heedless

 The primordial
for the moment
still here

Under the influence
of cannabis chocolate
it's almost too much

Mild day despite
the overcast
Moms stroll
the submarine walkway
emerged at medium tide

Crab Cove

The promise of a bough
with pinecones attached

A one point a guy
approached the shorebirds
led by two snappy little dogs
on a leash
I said with patriarchal
almost God-like
police voice
He turned the yappers
 right around

Wasn't home long
before the MLK march
passed by my vantage point

I danced along
to riddem of the saints

 A band on the back
of a yellow truck
led the parade

Among the placards
red flags and
the flag of Puerto Rico

They are not happy today
about a certain shithole rat

Word to the plutocrats
take heed of a red flag

Alone again

But abidingly
for me
it is a day of peace

15 January 2018

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