Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter Lights in Golden Gate Park, Part I (A Short Day's Journey into Night)

7 December 2017

The annual event augmented this year
by a fantastic light show
projected from within
the Conservatory of Flowers
And a Winter Carnival midway
through the pitch black
and chilly park

Where Haight Ashbury
meets the Park
Xmas fantasia abound

New Years babies
fill the void
left by the departed

All about the high life
for the affluent

Stanyon Street
and other sorrows
Tour buses still point out
hippie stragglers

The big trees
of Golden Gate Park
a storybook experience
every time

Actually down
with a sharp cold but
I don't want to stay home
and be all hang dog,
Events happen once

I'm headed into the Park,
deep into the trees

The tree-lighting, Santa
and two glamorous Mayors
are planned for this location
the McLaren Lodge

Ride on the Love Train

Here is the great tree
to be illuminated
at nightfall
A little acid flashback
solar light show of my own
A tiny black girl with solo keyboard
had talent and a mature voice
a little Nina Simone but happier

Decal reads:
Make America Love Again

Tired of waiting
during a desultory pre show
with songs and lapses

A fire truck showed up
with lights flashing
and Santa Claus got out

Shadows are falling
and I've been here all day

I was getting too restless
bored by lack of focus
The mayors were clearly
in no hurry to show up

I put on my figurative
figure skates
and did a double-axle
into the glowing carnival

Turn on
 tune out
drop in

Winter Lights Part II
(Light Show)

7 December 2017

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