Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February in Berkeley

(Boots of Spanish Leather)
Troubadour on St Valentine's Day

 The Flaneur observes his 36th February in Berkeley
while the land from whence he came
experiences arctic blizzard and blast, alas, alas

Let's see what's going on
 Starting way off in old Rockridge

The tale of the little lost shoe

UC Octet at the Newman center,
Giving it their college all,
 I regret ever calling them "whiffenpoofters"

A distinctive house on Benvenue

Primum mobile hanging in the lobby

China doll in the vitrine window

The old entrance lobby

Now an arts-and-crafts style reading room

The Shaivite family
They're the toast of ganja town

Pedestrians along MLK
Black is back in Berkeley, baby

February 2015

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