Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Birthday Weekend

An unusual three days distinguished by monsoonal moisture and the return of MK Ultra.

Saturday 26 July 2014
Strolling the sunny streets of Berkeley, 
attending to a few matters in a carefree manner

There's a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in

Tee hee, Naked Ladies
everyone is fond of them
an aroma dainty and narcotic

Sidewalk culture
it's free for the taking

Flowers new to me
for the cognoscenti of color

Sunday 27 July 2014
The Berkeley Kite Festival

Kite fest!

A favorite moment for me 
crossing the nature preserve
people flowing in on foot
first sighting of the kites

Hmmmm... he's new to the festival
America's global reach

 Wrangler rhymes with angler

the bush league and the Bay
easy to launch a kite in wind so constant

It's all happening,
I scored a kobe beef hamburger
from an "Apps" outfit
they mistook me for a likely sucker

Look, a frog girl showed up

Can a frog man be far behind?

Hail to the magnificent cephalopods

Maybe it's time to hit the old dusty trail

Time to roll up the circus wagons

Approaching the pedestrian bridge,
a breath-taking cloud stream
over this recently man-made hill

Monday 28 July 2014
Splendid day on the San Francisco Bay

Set sail for my usual dockside haunts

The monsoonal clouds reached
extravagant expressive beauty
in mid-Bay

Nature records its expressions 
through human beings,
never forever, always changing

Observing the coastal fog
Mount Tam under wraps

These boats seem to follow you around the room

And a round room it be
a panorama 
of the National Historic Maritime Park

 Roundness suits the subconscious mind
and pleases the soul

Time to dive down this deco hatchway

Build me a boat
that can carry two
and both shall row

The woods are filled with wardens
-Jack Kerouac

A moment's meditation
in a wind-sheltered spot,
the respiration of the sea

Some manly amusements,

Pleasures fleeting and slight
before my appointment with the oceanic

hi-ho, hi-ho
it's stoned to home I go

All my excursions are circular
ending where they begin

26-28 July 2014

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