Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Surrealist Holiday

Samhain summer's end
Bonfires on Druidic hilltops
Door left open for the Dead
Translucent turnip faces guising

Spiders are some people's
greatest fear
or phobia

Some house are subsumed
in it

Sudden deep green growth
and the first small rainfall

In the Library,
Binky Brown meets
the Virgin Mary

Exquisite corpse
spigot after R Mutt

tres chic!

Orange and Black

Come home and
snuggle up

Just have to wait
for the sun to go down

 Iridescent graffito
at the XO spot

a lady waiting at
a weird bus-stop
stared at me from afar
I might be planting a bomb
flashes from my phone-cam
added to the effect

 The moon was a drip out of darkhood

Strange thing are afoot

Wow Pig Destroyer are on tour

 The Trappist
Belgian-style brews
plenty of places to drink

Paper cut out in window
High end tequila joint

Chinese Halloween...
there's an odd idea

Dragon's gate

Not sure that
he gets the concept

31 October 2017

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