Thursday, November 2, 2017

All Saint's Day

Berkeley today
still a few hold-outs left
from the 20th Century


Chinatown branch
of Oaklnd library

Drive-by mural,
Bus through what was
formerly called
the ghetto

El Dia de Los Muertos
altar at the clinic
for folks over-sixty

Seems rather philosophical of them

November first is pay day and I was in need of
many things and traveled on to downtown,
to Telegraph herb shop
walked uphill onto College Ave
missed a bus but rested and after
copping coffee
found my self walking toward BART
nearing Chabot and 5 o'clock
All Saints Day a day of obligation
and here I was at St Albert's chapel
where my favorite Mass is said

So I rushed over faint from
end of the month austerity
a CBD vape pen only few days
and today's considerable exhaustion
All that vanished the second I came in
radiant resplendent gold vestments
and altar cloth
The white robed Brothers and the
laity all soaring in Latin song
Not all Latin and this is the place
became a singer

The priest talked of the saints
as the living Beatitudes
and the foremost was
Blessed are the poor,
It was like welcome to me
in my somewhat desuetude
Ihadn't planned to come to Mas
and the others tended toward
a shiny new clean clothes look

You may keep your status-seeking
and materialism,
The priest and my thing recalls
the phrase,
My goal is beyond

Communion was borderline
over the top mystical ecstatic,

Afterward the priests in procession
with candles in gold holders
and the holy crucifix and sensor
we were led out in the gloaming

Chester showed
and insisted we go to supper
I couldn't agree more
and we retired walking
the exciting twilight high street
to a creperie

Following it we landed
at his place for a joyful smoke-out

An exemplary display
at the hardware store
 Proprietor smiled when he heard me
say unaware, I trying to stop
taking Halloween pictures
but this one's too good to miss

when I examine my conscience
I ask myself if I haven't been
something of a grass-hopper
fiddling through languid summers
while the ants stored-up for winter

Holy strange synchronicity, Robin,
another art encounter
with the Monkey Wrench Gang

The sense of humor
is as much a necessity
 in matters of one's death
as it is for the matters
of one's life

Chester and I got baked
at his warm pad
then I took to the wing

Bat man was hogging
the Bat Cave spots

So I had to park on the street

1 November 2017

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