Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hack Temple

This inspiring former Catholic church
has found a new owner
a Russian oligarchic "investor"
is opening a tech center here
to be called Hack Temple

Could there be any more
apparent manifestation
of Trump America in decline?

Instead of an uplifting place
of renewal and inspiration,
Russian science fiction hackers
will call it home
as they undermine US elections
and commit corporate espionage

And the traitors and enablers
in Congress cast doubt
on climate change,
Russian election hacking,
and the utterly corrupt
gangsters in the White House

He finds it offensive
that the venture capitalists
he throws in with
always ask him
"Is this money clean?"

Look at that watch
shakes hands with you takes a DNA sample
measures biometrics,
videotapes and records you
while employing lie detection software

October -November 2017

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