Friday, March 26, 2021

Poetry Day 2021


 A Year of Self Isolation

The Flaneur is back out on the streets after a double shot of Moderna.

When the CDC recommended revising one's behavior I said, 

"Self isolation? Social distancing? I invented it!"

Yes, the Flaneur is a longtime loner mostly by choice

yet he is not misanthropic and he enjoys the company of others.

I am quite capable of the sort of dialectical thinking 

that can hold two opposing premises at once.

"Hell is other people."

"Heaven is other people."

All of the above.

So circumstances permit me to resume the occasional blog.

It remains to be seen if anyone notices

Posted a few haiku on social media platforms

in the Dark Year of 2020. 

A yearly minimum to keep one's poetic license valid.

Here is something written on National Poetry Day 2021


I rest my skullcap

On the four corners of the globe

Heedless traffic passes underneath


Semi-deserted in recent years

I'm having myself cremated early

To save my loved ones the trouble

March 2021

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