Saturday, January 5, 2019

Escape Attempts (poetry)

Escape Attempts
When it is discovered
that I had a crystal skull
there will be parades
some burros with accordions
boll weevils may undermine
my canonization
my pre-lapsarian atavism
the webbed practice
poetry that can swim
an effort to get past
the past
Ultramarine Mary
Our Lady of the Seas
Seen against
the vanta black night
The thrilling colors
of darkness
the night flow
is tremendous
unavoidable with days so brief
inevitably I'm swept out on it
to oppose the system of the stars is futility
storm door banging in the wind
unoccupied houses with the TV on
showing footage of the winds on fritzy screens
children in R.E.M. state vibrate imperceptibly
distant highway not far enough away
silence approached by snow
hibernation in glacial caves
the cave bear eats you to stay warm
store fuel for long months in the void
barefoot in the chilly green grass I see a trail
bird populations empty my behind into the sky
a scrim of clouds outlined in winter sunlight
an ovation of estuarial trees
the one I searched for isn't here any longer
so one searches for the one that's left
one continuous field of the mind's movement
with conflicting and confluent patterns
the opened envelope exists
in a universe of love and darkness
epistle from the limitless
fake white Xmas tree
looks out of the police station
as lonely as me
New Year's Day
I've had enough of this day
for a lifetime
So-called evangelicals
weaponize so-called
Mew and mewl are synonyms
Notes in English
(after Arthur Rimbaud in U.K.)
Wish fulfillment
The winsome wino wore winkle-pickers
and a winning wing collar was wired
for the witching hour wisecrack
a wise guy with wind and wit
wistful well-wishers await his wink
his wisdom a wisp of his wiring
wing-mirror washed with weeping
a wiseacre fakir a witch-doctor
his wintry winnowing wingspan
Christmas Observed Today
Crab Cove to the Point
Gone are the avian multitudes
of November
Coots an new green earth
a prehistoric way of walking
Santa hat with fishing pole
Middle-eastern lady with
german shepherd boyfriend
her thin scarf woven prismatic
a fiber optic veil
Walking woman in her holiday
best destroyed jeans
Airliner overhead despite
government shut down
How do you tell his dog people
that this is a bird sanctuary
a lone gull passes by
handrails into high tide
 Dense gulls cluster over
 remote reed oasis
quietude of the opposite shore
until the next vast flight
three Chinese walk in a row
with identical dogs at intervals
look like edible Chihuahuas
but may not be
California Xmas kids climb
on the rocky shore
Asian lady in inevitable elf hat
Diving birds fish in three
pop back up in placid water
January 2019

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