The Sherlock Holmes of paranoia
Social surveillance media
jargon garglers
algorithmic simulacra
on a bus
Girl with three children
looks at me then takes infant
from her full brown breast
the new Leo moon
over the jailhouse tonight
moment with no cars
red fire rescue boat
on a black rubber pontoon
white egret walking
the great stalactite organ
largest musical instrument
in the world
thirty-seven stalactites
struck by rubber mallets
producing pure earthen tones
overhangs the pellucid
out of which emerge
great hovering
fresh water jellyfish
levitated by a rendition
of the Moonlight Sonata
whom shall we blame
what shall we do
when they all come after us
when it all comes true
the depths of the Honeywell
he who shall find it
spin acre in tornado alley
the grief the gruff the grievance
hurricane what's-his-name
harry the horse in the flood
spectral boathouse
floating away in blackest night
florida buried in water
the skeleton keys and the rain
I open my vertical eye
to see what happened
law of the rotten jungle
the machete then the military
refugees spill into the seas
smoke of more than india
chemical plants suppurate into sea
the plastic air of paris
the united states of car exhaust
patterned canopy
moving dream shadows
everything quivers
ceaseless mobile
of candy butterflies
a mouse breaks cover
the mouse runs so fast
rear legs get ahead of him
turkey buzzard time
figment of nature
spiral jetty of the mind
a fern unfurling
cool air in the shade
along the temperate coast
after that death valley
dream 16 September 2017
I've come to a mountain
whose face is missing
the fourth wall gone
exposing chambers
and rooms of all sizes
with classic furnishings
like a vast grand hotel
under construction
dream August 2017
At the clinic
with both doctors
old man O'Neil
and lady doc Chow
we are all three naked
and I'm showing them
my troubles
without much
expectation of pity
Notes on dreaming
A person asleep and dreaming
can receive signals
and forms of information
that would not register
while awake
televised broadcasts
from the revolutionary war
the parliament of ghosts
over a close-knit churchyard
native funerary customs
rituals in glacial progression
entity born out of tornados
symphony overheard in utero
stratum of an inland sea floor
dinosauric Canada
asleep on a train
amid winter stars
cry of passing freight
the middle of the night
animal cries rocketing tar sands
ghost dance over the frozen river
impaled on fossil fuel pipes
gutted by oil sand pipelines
nicotinoid dead bee colony pipelines
baby's first carbon footprint pipelines
ice shelf drown the baby
with the bathwater
XL pipelines
lust of the burning world
the moon's orange in it
big heat came today
clouds are all tangled
lightning came at last
gulls take to the air
lightning in the clouds
ordinary world astounds
rain in the puddles
lightning strikes train tracks
amtrak lights up a moments
ghostly sound effects
in police windows
strange lights on tribune tower
sad silent movie
Vatican Diplomat's
make me an instrument
of thy peace
where there are shillelaghs
let me sow shellac
where there is shite
let me sow shinola
where there is obscenity
and filth
let me see it with my own eyes
(and in looking up
the spelling of shillelagh)
More Notes in English
after Jean-Arthur Rimbaud
The Shetlander
a shirty sherpa
shorted my sherry
shimmed his shin
with a shipshape shillelagh
same for a shiftless Shiite
who shilly-shallies and shirks
no serving shish kebab
in shirtsleeves
in this shire
shipwreck on the shoals
a shimmering shindig
on a shingle
the shinty sherrif
tried to shut it
shifted him
with a shiner
dream 16 September 2017
July-September 2017
images: 28 July 2017
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