Monday, April 21, 2014

The Secret of the Sea, Pt.2,Chap.2. Representing West Coast Marine and Industrial Culture

The Port of Oakland

Like the chapters on the technical side of whaling that comprise a good portion of Moby Dick, the Flaneur offers a guided tour through the actualities and the sumulacra of marine industry, seen here as arte trouve

Next stop Jack London Square
Dig the guy riding the grill on this freight train

Emergency boats and a floating lighthouse

Leaving the Oakland Ferry landing
The floating lighthouse next to the Potomac
Roosevelt's "floating White House"

Shipbuilding at an Alameda boatyard

Bay Ship looking tres hip

The Alameda Ferry landing 

Another container ship Oakland-bound

They're here.... the X Ships have docked
Think of all those toilet flushes

The Military and Prison industries leave picturesque detritus
Decorative bookends on the untamed Bay

C'est moi

  Ur source...

...on Beach street...

... the old main drag

Justly proud 

Behind the curtains

The aqueous theater and its double

Ghosts of the Lighthouse hotel

The wilderness begins at the Golden Gate
Enter the fog after fish or after adventure
The odds are fair that you'll return

Not you, shipwreak

With the printing press came a host of chimeras 

Fugue state on a Sailor Jerry's tide

Everybody needs some kind of ventilator

 San Francisco was a hard-core Union town

The first settlers may have landed
 in pods from who-knows-where

   Heavy metal led to the Industrial Revolution

With your street car visions of cannery row,
sang the prophet
The cable cars do stop at this former cannery

Made in San Francisco

Wooden ships fashioned here

Built to last

From Penny Arcade to today's extreme video parlors
The Amusement Industry is big business
Laughing Sal retired to the Musee Mecanique
After a career at Playland at the Beach.

Tour boats stay afloat

The Port of Oakland full moon approach

 Another perilous voyage

December 2013-April 2014


joey Patrickt said...

Those are mighty words mate, and good photos as well. All we need is a whiff of the old salt air. Jyk

RAY MAN said...

You betcha.
It's been chilly but I may sneak a crossing in a manana