Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Third Ball

Ah, the poignant indignities of life--the Flaneur shares an interesting email. Parental guidance is urged but is perhaps too late for the Flaneur himself.

I finally conceded to it last june when casually feeling my balls.
I noticed that was a third grape so to speak--a smaller one.
Since at least 1984 I have noticed a little thickness in my epididymis just got thicker.
A doctor said it felt normal at that time and it seems to be not a cause for alarm.
It is, wikipedia says, an spermatocele--a diverticulum of the tubes.
Sort of like an ox-bow in a river.  Sperms hang out in it.
So I was send to an ultra-sound image lab where
in a darkened room a young lady gave me a 30 minute ball job.
(so to speak).
You strip and lie down then she applies hot lube after having you "pull it all up."
She puts a towel so it all doesn't pour back down.
She told her name was Trisha.
She tells you she knows it's a sensitive area and that she will be taking a lot of pictures--
just to let you know that you will be tumescent before long.
And when I'm tumescent there's an anaconda in the room.
She's so close I had to recite hail marys to stop short of full jumping erection
or she would have been ducking.
Later she talked to me from behind a the curtain to tell me to wipe off now.
She'd even lubed the unit in her spree.
It was amazing foreplay; I have to admit I was horny that night.
I think I once told you of my newspaper baseball orgasm measure?
Two open newspaper sheets: first page is a bunt, second page is a single, third is a double, fourth is a triple,
beyond that is a home run.
Lately homeruns are somewhat less frequent, but that night I opened my eyes to find two homers, numerous triples and doubles, and lots of infield activity.
Well I'm not blocked off at least. Luckily I'd shaved last month so I looked neither denuded nor like the fuller brush man for the fair young technician.

a dirty old man

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