Monday, July 20, 2009

Poetry Now

Inspired by an friend's poetry blog, the Flaneur shakes more lines from his notebook. Apology where it apply.


"Antaeus who speaks and wears no chains
He will take us to the bottom of sin"
Dante, Hell


my wind-up clock's broken
the second hand can't make it
to midnight
makes a slight noise
a moth on a window screen


the shade of a venetian horse
crosses my window shade

a young boy asleep on the waves
clinging to a carved wooden figure

some mahogany crayfish effigy
marine in his lower extremes

the part of the world now under sea
the boy feeding on his carapace of wood


we are the pure white people
white of hair white of skin
saint peter will wave us in
where we will all be restored
as colored people as negroes
and walk on streets of gold


morning glories send
tendrils over everything
the sun gets up too early
birds crank up the merry-go-round


dime-store on mercury
a roman noir

I contacted every known planet
looking for something legit
ended-up covering a crossword puzzle
another sad sack in scrabble town

I received periodic balloon payments
until that blew up in my face
had to dummy up and take the battery
until my shins splintered under me

I gave them all the names I had


little hamlet

envenom with his envy
a prison of poison
dies in his own too much


in dante's hell
the sinful know who they are


martin luther
appeared before the diet of worms
as sort of an appetizer


the case of the open and shut bookcase

faraway nowadays

the post-mammalian review

ash wednesday the anti-hallowe'en

code breakers of sumatra

lunar vacuity



mom by the heater late at night
thinking in the dark
mom sitting on her porch
surrounded by trees smiling


ghost natural

the spider's missing link

baboon metaphysics
a spill on the causeway



My skull holes feel like an old bowling ball.

People stretch their faces over their emotions.

Light bulbs turn my fingertips into paper.

I can see my hand with my eyes closed.

We slip into the unworld slowly.



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