Thursday, September 14, 2017

Life Studies

Another day of decadence and
contemplative indolence
attempting to glean wisdom
from the sky and the trees

The Life of Man

One is born
of woman

One realizes
a separate identity

Polymorphous perverse play
sensuality and inner world
forever blowing bubbles

The superego takes root
One becomes a bit
of a swell-headed hard ass

One grows deep

Competition becomes
( does that guy on the right
look familiar?)

Following One's adolescent
homosexual phase
One finds a way across
the sexual divide

The height of One's prowess
the command of one's gifts
follows on

One grows wise alone

The young are charged
with  One's well-being
or once were

Youth does not mock
One's decline
it reveres one's struggle

One gives up the ghost
with a sigh
the universe am I

How the clouds looked
a skyward expression
of seasonal change

attracts me
 into the garden deeply

Me and my butterflies
They are quite large
and not shy of me

We are where
the wild things are

Ragged skies
at twilight

The clouds were a thicket
tangled baskets
viscous as egg drop soup

They were too much
for the human eye
let alone the eye
of the camera-phone

The Golden Eternity
came near

Thunder and lightning

The skies
in transformation
the gulls cry and cry
and stay on the wing

After dark came the rain
and a prolonged period
of electrical storm

Long dragons of lightning
like rivers
the black sky

A few days later
in the Parkside garden

After the first rain

the earth turns


11-13 September 2017

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