Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Decoration and Demonstration on My Block

The Technicolor umbrellas
of Old Oakland

Happenings large and small
in a world of infinite
minute difference


A scenic bus past the Lake
past the parks and the farmers market
along Grand to Piedmont
to Pleasant Valley
a long quite pleasant walk on Manila
to the Rockridge library
only to learn it won't open today
California Admissions Day
a snafu

But teleologically apt
I meet Chester my old friend
we adjourn briefly to his manor
for one hit each of a superlative blend

Ever onward

Post-downtown Oakland

Has added cute but supercilious
on the sidewalk aloft

Someone else has spread out
a colorful dog blanket
in response

The whole street is sort of
an extravaganza

Celebrating immigrants
of which who ain't?

cat lady,
hands off

people of color

My own parapluie
drifts homeward

Heraldic Griffin

what do you know?
a Demo!

Right on, people

They are unhappy
that the villain in White House
reneged on the previous administration's
promise to people who parents
migrated without papers,
after they have turned in all their info
to the same amnesty authorities who now
seek to persecute them
fickle and evil
Drumpf is ruining the US brand

How do you spell racist?
How do you spell rapist?

They clearly had given
the OPD assurances
concerning civil disobedience and
property destruction
the Cops guarded
the highway with nonchalance

As they head up Seventh
we bid them fond farewell


Cop's off-duty vehicle
parked at headquarters
Cop trucks are Ram tough
not Satanic

Down to the Port
as on many a Sunday afternoon

A great river of clouds
often forms going East
from the mouth of the
estuary and the Gate beyond

The Ferry lies in wait
another crossing ahead
I'm contemplating one soon

Slip into a slipstream
the shift in consciousness
being on the waves induces

The Potomac soon to cruise
away the afternoon

I sit in my yacht
yacht all that I got

Happiness is something
that cannot be bought

Public transport is alright with me

But I wouldn't mind
pending some time
on Roosevelt's vintage

As the day passes

The Ferries come
and go to San Francisco

The sky is a-crackle
a September sunset

9-10 September 2017

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