Friday, June 4, 2021

Photo-Journal of the Plague Year, Chapter two




Dark out a lot of the time

streets nearly empty



The end of a haunted year draws near


 One walks alone and avoids others





 Downtown Berkeley is particularly deserted and grim




Ominous vibrations abound everywhere

 A crow visits me for walnuts




 Signs of life on my nightly walk



Thankful for a steady abundance of festive herbs

True love found a way



Nightlife continued in the street

All was not so morbid



We were able to oust the louse

People came out of hiding



Not to paint an overly rosy picture

Times remained extremely hard for many



Self-Isolation never ends



Too much time indoors


 Trying not to let oneself go

Rain came at last

Another lonely Christmas

On Solstice

Beautiful star some took for Bethlehem

Holiday lights spite the shuttered eateries

in another blanket shutdown

And yet small signs of the world's return

Did I mention Cannabis?

So one stayed at home and was jolly

Should old sentiments be forgot

At the end of 2020 

the annus horribilis 


October -December 2020

The plague year extends into 2021

in a post soon to follow 















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