Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Port Life 2020




It's Sink or Swim

during the pandemic

The Port of Oakland by night

 The Year Adrift

Prismatic view from here

I find myself down here

Often fairly deserted, it is eerily quiet these days

Halloween fly-over

Life on the water

To exchange visual pleasantries with passing boats

Not far from my roost

a chance to stretch my legs

and spend time off-line

From the San Francisco Ferry dock

where I launched a thousand voyages

 (day trips actually)



I generally achieve relaxation

Another peaceful evening 


 My dependable panacea

Being on the water stoned



The illustrious Potomac Roosevelt's Presidential Yacht 

 was once scuttled & sunk then recovered and restored

A contact high just watching them

The season changes in silence

Winter sunsets always send me

Trains and buses with empty seats

 run past the foot of Broadway

 Jack London Square

The great Christmas tree in Jack London Square

Few spectators but still a noble gesture against the gloom

Christmas is on the way


I deserved one drink

after another year of abstinence

Night of The Great Conjunction

21 December 2020

Motion capture

Everything feels suffused with enchantment

I have the place pretty much to myself

The Potomac is defiantly festive tonight

The time draws near

I get into position

There she blows

The Great Conjunction

two planets so close in our view

as to appear to be one

Functional, conjunctional

and precisely punctual

The big picture

The Star of Bethlehem  

as some have said

Kissing cousins

Jupiter and Saturn

 A bit chilly on the water after a while

Time to turn toward home, 

Adieu O Beautiful Star

Did I mention it was almost Christmas?

O Christmas herb, O Christmas herb

Thy leaves are ever faithful

June-December 2020











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