Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Allhallowtide II: Spook Shop Pumpkin Patch




Allhallowtide 2021

Chapter Two



A parade of  ghosts followed me  


Farther along Piedmont Avenue
at the intersection of Pleasant Valley
We come to a time-honored cemetery florist 
who goes all out on Halloween


 Place of pilgrimage for haunted kids

And also an all-around all-purpose spook shop


Maybe not for the faint of heart

Dogs may require a blanket
if they enter a state of shock

Scary or humorous?
 to one's taste

Mask collection

Execrable taste makes boys berserk

Something for everyone really
whatever your niche

Menacing balloons that move
as one proceeds outside


 Timeless ambiance pervades the proverbial Patch 

 Pumpkin Idol

A place to be

Ectoplasmic gourd
Master of Ceremonies

 Morbid tableaux occupy the ghoulish grove
Killer Clowns are regarded as passe
Rob Zombie calls them "pathetic"

An impulse to flee this theater of
Headless Horsemen
 and fleshless steeds

Bid adieu to friends old

 and friends new
(so to speak)

Suppose I've had my fill
Tired but a good kind of tired
Not yet overwhelmed
Time to skeedaddle
Back out on Halloween Avenue
to continue on to a real boneyard

 My chauffeur 
ever-attentive to my plans


My ghostly Dodge awaits 

Some kids never play outside


Something wicked this way comes
Stay wired for the next two installments of
Allhallowtide 2021

30 October 2021

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