Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Shakedown Street

Desley Brooks

Does this look like the face of a scam artist?

She attempted to rush through
unread legislation
that would have provided
her unaccountable cronies
with a nice bite
out of every dollar
Oakland spends,
All the appropriations
agreed to by residents
to fund street and park repair
both of which are disgraceful,
And dig this,
the recipients
were already funded
as part of another organization
that receives copious funds
from the city and
 split off in order to double-dip,

Not only is this the same Pol who
tried to put a bite on every
medical cannabis dispensary
but also to compel them to hire
black drug-offending ex-cons
to work throughout med-can,
I'm pretty sure concessions
were made to her
outrageous demands too

She also just cost Oakland
three million dollars
plus legal expenses
for her violent attack
on a septuagenarian
African-American woman
and original Black Panther
over a policy agreement,

She reported said
something along the lines of,
I ain't come on you yet
cause you old,
before punching her
with both mitts
like a baboon spider,
sending this honorable member
of "the Community"
 flying over a table
at Everett and Jones

 She ought to be crab-marched
off the City Council
and into a rehabilitation facility

Along with her fellow
city council woman
who toured a homeless hotel
which the fire department
had just cited as hazardous
but not mandated that
the poverty pimps in charge provide
the smoke detectors, fire extinguishers
on any deadline,
This Pol walked through
saw all the clothes and candles
space heaters and bedspreads
and just waltzed off
without taking any action,
A few days later
the place burned up
taking lives and injuring
the residents,
All this about a month
after the Ghost Ship fire
in which a record number
of lives were lost

Both of these Pols
if I recall were
in favor of letting the homeless
set up tent cities
in parks and sidewalks
with port-o-johns and
containers for used needles
as if that was win/win
for the people of Oakland

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