A soft parade
ghosts of auld langs syne
Sweet meats and spicy
Spirits and figments
of Yuletude imaginings
a Visit to
Mountain View
So lovely
so lonely
when the air is crisp
Really a glorious landscape
more celebratory
than mournful
in the eyes of many
who come here
dyed flowers
To decorate
the gaping void
Nothing more
color expansive
than a leaf
Strange sad things
a child's grave
decked with toys
for Xmas
Timeless things
a winter stronghold
for a murder of crows
Xmas cheer
for 95 year old grandma
filing cabinet drawer
of cremains
Red and green
predominate in
How fair and green
goes the rainy scene
a pleasure to be here
My soul's recurrent
Maybe some day we'll rise
up from the tomb
this artificial paradise
and go home
30 January 2017
Actual New Year's Eve
afternoon and
I'm on the town already
brick wall
On the last day of the year
Little boy blue
brave innocent
stands for the New Year
Old white grandpa
retiring to a bench
like the passing year
A lot of anxiety
along the fraught streets
near me
Did you know that the Potomac
was once scuttled (sunk)
and then was refloated,
like it be a symbol
of this Democracy
The donkey is ailing
Today I've refloated myself
over the Grand Avenue
Home to this stately redwood
which I notice regularly
It's a bustling trendy street
Some things trend
in regrettable directions
You heard,
Boot and Shoe Service?
I think one should
get out the finery
on New Year's Eve
I've gone a tad Tartan
perhaps a Taddy Porter,
or a chewy McKewan's
Scotch ale?
By all means
wear whatever you think
looks cool
And it ain't no sin
to take of your skin
and dance around in your bones
I need a final secret ingredient
for my holiday victuals
so I'm come by the
hectic supermarket
Then continued a few blocks
over to the Morcam rose garden
a dearly-held respite
An enchanting grove
of adolescent Redwoods
Writhing oaks
not red creature on upper limb
a red squirrel perchance
O Rose of the world
we last but a short time
in our glory
Forget balloon drops
and confetti,
The sky at sunset is
enough celebration for me
The explosions
will commence
round about midnight
But first the clouds
become as roses
in front of my eyes
31 January 2017
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