A strange hiatus
in strained times
in an estranged city

Let's have a look
An appreciable lack
of crowds and traffic
Busses and streets
not over-crowded for once

A girl with proverbial
hair like honey
Across from the fenced-off
park downtown
The Berkeley Historical Society

of the original Psychedelic era
Spotlight on the Berkeley sound

Golden Gingko
on campus by the creek

Let's have a look
An appreciable lack
of crowds and traffic
Busses and streets
not over-crowded for once

A girl with proverbial
hair like honey
Across from the fenced-off
park downtown
The Berkeley Historical Society

of the original Psychedelic era
Spotlight on the Berkeley sound

Golden Gingko
on campus by the creek
The creek swollen
with rain at last
A virtual vision
a flashback to the creek
as it was in centuries past
or a precognition
of how it will again be
I headed off through the trees
to the vicinity of the art museum
But first
Fortune smiled and a girl
had a light for me blunty
It's wet and chilly today
but every January since I moved
to California I sigh with relief
when I hear how cold it is
in icy Massachusetts
where I'm from
Especially when it's
nine below zero
and it's 3 o'clock
in the afternoon
Ignore the pretentious
status seekers
arrogant grad stews
identity policians
Take Berkeley
as it is
When in Woodstock
do as Woodstocks do
Sophistication and
can help
Like pearls
and a simple black dress
There's a slim
cadre of Communists
He's always up for it
Asian girls are passionate
Woman in the Dunes
I did a paper on the film
and the novel by Kobo Abe
One long Japanese
When Harry Met Sally
psycho-delicatessen scene
A priest
caught in the act
From Tantric yoga
to countless celibate
religious orders,
The orgasm,
to be or not to be
Same old
Everyone says they
have a new idea
a throbbing eye-ball bulb
How few come true
No sitting on the fence
when it comes to
Net neutrality
Tear down
Trump's wall
Lenin is
gonna be Lenin
December 2017-January 2018
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