Saturday, January 13, 2018

Long Walk on Russell Street

Moroccan Berkeley
a fine constitutional
through earliest Spring

Flashy jackets may come and go,
denim you always have with you

Realm of  the delicate

Cruising for hip grannies

Vital colors
even in natural light
I don't have to

Buy hey,
that's what I do

Contemporary Gothicism

After all, Berkeley's
Halloween central
takes place on upper Russell
the other side of College Ave

Harmless occultism
white magic
of the new age variety

Demons of the nature
of the affluent class

A little January sunshine
after some rain and...

It's like Spring

The New Year's sunlight
gets stronger every day

The old Berkeley

A succession of mild
visual pleasures

Some folks feel
quiteat home
amid spikes and quills

Xmas bulbs still bobbing
in the garden of succulents

A woke house
we are all colors
 in the spectrum

This Grammar school
has a butterfly garden

Spooning trees

Oversize Xmas bulb
on a traffic island

Time has come today
a fond anachronism

I hopped a 12
on MLK

But it malfunctioned
a few miles later
and I got out
to await the next one

Bumping as a result into
a lovely flowering tree

Swinging like a bell
in the breeze
Until the next bus showed

Meanwhile the first bus
eventually pulled away
without me

At Grand Lake
we bumped into
the first bus again
stalled and stranded
Tired Friday passengers
loaded into our bus

12 January 2018

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