Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sightseeing Bus Tour I, Wicked Week

Rapid eye movement
memory and association
in moments going past
fly-casting through
crystal spectacles



old California

I take the beach head

Did you hear a noise
at the window?
Go to sleep

Strange auguries
in the sunset clouds


Morning trees
and shadow

still hot
make a pot of pinto beans

Blessed crepuscular
 shift in the heat

Then go out at night

So many streets
crossed on my way

Went to see someone in Berkeley
an older cat I know
we spent an hour on his rooftop
with some most excellent sativa

Then in a euphoric twilight zone
I descended again to walk
to a bus stop

This cleverly expressive
street sign fence
on MLK and Dwight

Then the wandering 12 bus
over Piedmont hill and dale
whistling past the graveyard

To deboard at last
in Old Oakland
 near home

Someone has left
all the lights on
in empty rooms


Elmwood drive-by

Traditionally hot afternoon 
on the last Friday
before Halloween

There's the spooky balloon shop

Toys and treats
masks and adornment
roll up to holiday town

Sweet dreams
are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world
and the seven seas

looking for something

hey hey hey yeah

Miss Thang
she brang the
 armor-plated sexy

(go to part two)

224-27 October 2017

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