Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sightseeing Bus Tour II, Ramble On

The feminine principal
in Berkeley

The most extraordinary flower
 a chance encounter

 a beautiful mutation

One solid red petal,
none of the other examples
had anything like it

We are all lost

 Until we find
our guru

I could use a guru
and a snug cottage
with a few trees

Like this gem behind
the old city hall

 Thought I saw something move

Now I don't see it

There something there
some dark shape

I feel a distinct
evil presence

Something wicked this way comes
From the bus window
a tattered poster
of a tatty poseur
out to gut public schools

Knobby trees
These line up along
the hill on Linda street

Cozy at home at last
Halloween cupcakes for tea
an early tick or trick

 Take a look
at the funny pages
 and relax

Canadian cupcake

27 October 2017

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