Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Circling Berkeley: Drugstore Hellboy

The corny old spooks and scare
return again to the imagination
any escape from the smoke
and world entropy is well-received

Right across the lot
from the gourd-o-rama

An apothecary
 liniments and medicaments
haunted sundries

The old-fashioned
American holiday
Actually started by the Irish
in Canada and New England

Gone 21st Century

From the carved turnips
of Samhain to a universally
 recognized symbol

We're archetypal now,

Disney is trying to
copyright the whole thing

And pass it on to Disney franchise
The Nightmare before Xmas

Bow-tie's are back

Stemware for the affluent
who resist growing old

Shaped pillow
dog toy sold separately

Many prefer
a gory old skull
rather on the huge side

There are skeletons hang
in some of the most
 prestigious closets

This benign façade
has a ghastly secret
A bizarre tale too
serpentine to discuss here

The case of El Gateo
de Los Muertos

On a quiet street
near the Lake
where few people walk
on an October afternoon

No shortage of ghosts

or of human bones
my favorite phrase
these days

A nation of hungry

A lot of comfort dogs
among the remains

Trump trump trump
the alt-right rats are marching

Over the fields
and everywhere

Let's support
our awesome
fearless leader


The trope
of the vanquished

Your outside is in
so come on

You never run out of bones
dig a little deeper

Curious what's
under the counter?


Careful out there
perhaps an infra-red

1 October 2017

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