Sunday, December 12, 2021

Slainte Oakland

Christmas Tree Triage
some midnight miscreant rolled up on a bike
and torched it using a can of accelerant




I had chanced upon a ceremony of carols
at the magnificent tree Saturday afternoon
A local pilgrimage fondly undertaken by many
every year at Yuletide

On Monday news broke about the arson
It had happened at around one that morning
The Fire Station at the Port is directly across a pedestrian plaza
 from the tree only a very blocks distant
They got there in time to limit the burn scar to
ten or twelve percent of the tree
 according to the news reports
So on Wednesday I set out to see the damage myself 

 Christmas tree in one of the many nondescript buildings
in the vicinity resembling a combination of office work-spaces
and a parking structure

The streets were even more deserted than usual
as a light rain fell 
Now a thing of the past this was formerly an amusing
heavy metal wrestling performance art bar place
Previously noted in this blog for its bizarre posters

After boning up
on a mighty tree-way combo blunt
I approached
the heart of Jack London Square

The towering palms vibrated under a low overcast
The gargantuan Flag displayed its subdued moods

Odd job

Wrapping glow worms in the clouds
Another crew worked nearby
amputating burned limbs

Brave young hero eschews the crane at hand
to climb the raw tree bareback as it were

Won a tree climbing contest in Hebron, New Hampshire
when I was 17 light lithe and spry
I really enjoyed being up a tree myself 

The burnt branches end up in a bin
In my day the empty cave of space were the fire was 
would have been converted into a Creche
Here and now that would summon a hue and cry

A strange intersection in American History 


An alien inscription on a sidewalk nearby

A blue mood
A Spot of Cheer

Blessing of the Saint to You 
(Saint Patrick)

 A swell of the ocean
all the way from Eire
Looks tempting

Och and the fireplace is going!
I'm going in then 

And it's the James Joyce memorial hearth as well
A warm welcome it is too 


Anything you want we got it right here in the USA
I ordered a real Irish Guinness draft
from the friendly and chatty bar staff 

Guinness dartboard cupboards?
We got 'em

 There's Ronan having the craic
just like in days gone by

I stopped short of the whiskey menu
tantalizing as it is
maybe next time

 So glad I happened upon this place today

There's old Uncle Oscar 
sort of a second patron saint 
I can say I have visited Wilde's tomb in Paris
And I did say

The place as charmingly bookish veneer

Slainte to the whole wide world

Back out into the microscopic mist
Feeling revivified

The sidewalk now looked to me
 more like a Jackson Pollock painting

Came home, not far away
and I had my nap
while visions of sugar plums danced in me head

As I set out today the top story in the news was 
that the artificial tree structure at FOX News headquarters in NYC
 had been torched approximately 24 hours after our Jack London tree arson
In a stunning video-taped sequence that one burns to the round
For propaganda and perhaps insurance purposes
Fox claims it was a half-million dollar spectacle
and of course proceeded to blame the "Left" 

So I suppose there is some rough justice in this world

8 December 2021

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