Monday, December 27, 2021

Orbiting the Center



Urban Yuletide
of Oakland Center



The most Christmas sound heard today
Bells tolling from the old time tower 

From 8th to 18th and back
on an aleatory quest for rolling papers 

An eye open for Holiday eye-candy

City Center somber & deserted

Corporate Christmas 
Incandescent empty space
Pandemic measures drag on
Line for vaccinations on Xmas Eve

Not to be too macabre about it

Squad car blinking
outside an eldritch hotel
Must be Santa

Mural on the windowless back wall of a building
no doubt were another edifice once stood 
It used to be of a white knight first-responder
I suppose it changes periodically

 Front of the same groovy building
like many of them-- occupied by lawyers

Street tree sky clouds chandelier window 

 Land of ice and even snow

Blade runners

 People's Republic of Oakland

 The Sharks
local mob 

Mural of extravagant hands

Screen memory

Weird world in here 

 Weird through and through
inside and out

Boarded-up theater

That's Oakland for you

In my naivete
I await a renaissance

This wasn't always Stinky...
Must have changed hands 

Here's a humble soul showing good cheer

 A swanky uptown tavern

A delightful and dainty display 
Must be a jewelry store or some such

Nothing says Noel
like a study pair of cruel shoes

 It's a refined dildo and porn emporium
Well I'll be

 It's a spiritual thing--
yoga and yabyum
yoni and lingam
the whole jewel in the lotus

So Ray comes full circle
Scored 3 packs of my preferred rolling papers
gave a guy spare change
Smoked along my route
And finished my last block home
in a brief cloudburst

24 December 2021

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