Saturday, July 31, 2021

Birthday Bay Crossing I: Return to San Francisco




San Francisco Ferry leaving Oakland
My first visit in a year and a half
an unprecedented span of time in 42 years

The military you always have with you

Water wall
An admirable ship repair facility
on the Alameda side

 Our great thriving Port
Greedy self-interest demands 
a colossal new baseball stadium here


 Why mess up a good thing?
Did I mention I live a mile from here?

 Whither o America?
 The recent replacement span
of the Bay Bridge

 Yerba buena?
Si Senior, Mucho

 Lifting off 
Vintage span of the Bay Bridge

 Always a thrill sailing under it

 Into the North Bay

 Mount Tamalpais and the Summer fog

Land ho!

 The City formally known as San Francisco

The way we came
Seems now so far away

Made land by 11:10 AM
1930s bridge-builders and the new San Francisco

An old San Francisco waterfront hotel
what stories it could surely tell
 My bridge survey will resume
on yonder protruding pedestrian pier
 Maritime history in painted tiles

As I always say
the military is never far away
Patrolling our thinking

28 July 2021

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