First Visit
After a long time indoors
It is November and the sun is dim
Yet there are plenty of roses still
Deep peace abides here
A young lady savors the mild Fall weather

It was wide open
Forgive the cat-fancy
but I met truly a grand fellow
We were instantly best friends
Love at first sight, you might say
We'll always have the roses of November to help us to remember

Haven't seen him since
though I talked to lady who knew his story
So long my friend, fare thee well
November 2020
Inklings of Spring
The green grass is thrilling
I join the social distance
Outdoors again at last
In February when it blossoms
A warm day in late winter behooves all walks of life
This guy was bouncing sideways up and down the steps
Reading the tablet of an ancient future
Skybound again
as one lives a long time
the desire grows
to go up to heaven
What in tarnation?
A little pirate I suppose only that,
others can see it too I would hope
All too soon time has passed
and one climbs down again
from the heights

That urge to merge with sky I mentioned
February 2021
Another day of peace
during Lent
Deep green grass with redwoods
At the gate
Wisteria is here
So are the earliest roses
Another lifetime resumes in the garden
Emerging from the hillside
Profound color
Down the hill I await my bus back home
across Grand Avenue from this magnificent tree
March 2021
In Rose-laden May
The Rose Garden calls me from afar
Up the hill backward again
Can you find the honeybee?
They thrive here
Sturdy Iris
Bees are busy elsewhere
and other pollinators don't seem to visit
We reach the horizon
Roses and joy available to the public at no fee
As long as you don't abuse the guidelines
I shall only do so very briefly
And so bountiful are the rewards
Young fellow rode his bike over the hilltop
As I left I saw him heading for further hills of precipitous Piedmont
O Rose mystical emblem of inner life
Coming down is never a come down
I bring the elevation and the environs with me as I go
Memories are like misty roses
sliding inexorably into the psast
into one's own shadow
Roses of every kind
piled up to the sky
Casual wonder neverendling
4 May 2021
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