Monday, May 10, 2021

Easter Sunday at the Beach, Alameda Island




 Easter Sunday at the Beach
Alameda Island


The tide was so far out it was almost disturbing

Everybody had a hard year

Yonder approaches a young beach-comber

He found his beach toys and heads back to the sand

Breezy day but there's a wind-free rock to sit upon

Get close to the living world, expect surprises 

 Time to trim my sails and reverse course before I'm declared a castaway and given up for lost


Exit via Webster for to catch me bus

Wow this is new

Across the street from 
the old-school Japanese joint

Miniature doors with miniature paintings inside

Doors within doors

Doors within mushrooms

Watched over by a pagan Easter Bunny

Shroomy dreamy
Alameda now lies on a farther side of the looking glass


Easter Supper with Papal Mass at St Peter's Basilica

Round bone lamb chop in golden bell, olives and onions,

 with haricots vert, vitelotte & yam frites, apple sauce

Easter Sunday 
4 April 2021

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