Friday, June 23, 2017

On the Prowl

Hot or cold
I'm snug
under my lamp

My non-redneck neck
of the concrete jungle
Join me in my curiosity shop

Voodoo Ranger

Shrouded in commerce
and construction

White picket fences
hop-scotch and
lemonade stands

Chased by a Voodoo Ranger

Can't stop the carrots
carotene helps you see
them coming up
and going down

Clouds doing their job
 the Port of Oakland

A sweet new Irish spot
on lowest Broadway
photo of Oscar Wilde
that sort of place

a bottom's up
blessing from Eire

Look for ward to a visit
someday soon,
join me

A grid-map
to remind me
it's again precisely
that time of year

 Get me off my velvet throne
and out walking

Ye Olde Curiosity Shop
when I pass it by
after twilight descends
I get a sensation
that someone is watching
from within

 Ship window
in an office arcade
social well-being and
public defense

A nice feeling
in the dry garden

Bullshit artists
post styrofoam
in serial form

Local critics obliterated
each and every one

 Shout out to Seymour!
We need more
near-sighted cannoneers
like him today

He's still around
making the scene

Such as it is,
An insufferable elitist
next door is attempting
to snuff out the
Opera house

Time to return
to my rocking chair
and my classical radio,
to a jar of brandy
and a big fatty

May-June 2017

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