Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nectar / Refraction Study

of course there are faces
hidden in the stones
old worn faces
no one wishes to own

The doll who heard too much
The know-it-all
who knew too much
The platypus that over-billed

Last exit before too much
No exit to Fall River
Dig inifinity

I said to myself
what have you ever done for me?
and threw up my hands

the fucshia garden
a  lonely bus stop in June
crow washes some food


exquisite fisher bird
long blue-purple beak
extra wide feet

walks on floating green
a turtle climb out on it
dragonflies vanish

palomino carp
lurk beneath a floating world
tiny fish surround

slow motion fisher
elicits a tiny fish
in slow motion

A caterpillar
crossing a sidewalk downtown
surface of a dream

Nearing the daybreak
in a brick façade window
Negro oils himself

The wind came up
an spoke to me
the unsettling wind

Lightning rang the land line
see who it is
it's only the wind
I listen to it howl
for quite a while
hang up again


I was on broadband
before they had it
I was on liquid
you ain't ever
even heard about

I saw things differently
with my eyes closed
when I opened them
reality seemed
like a mirror
a mirror I could not
if I was going to see
the reality behind
the mirror
had to come down
behind it was
another mirror
but like
a Carpathian count
revenant without substance
on this mirror
I left no

April-June 2017

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