Random recent rambling
around town
Feel like I did as I child,
Old folks and cannabis
a new mural
Shortly after 4:20 PM
20 April 2016
Man with dyed hair
and pink flamingo shirt
Civilization loomed
over us all
I saw Mephistopheles
in the clouds
The new chihuahua,
Then they get tired of them
and its like Dachaund
all over again
Then they get tired of them
and its like Dachaund
all over again
Ye Olde Oklande
A moment's bright respite
in the oldest part of town
I'll take a magnum of
Meet me at
Abhorrent ancients persist
in popular mythology
as harmless cartoons
An undergarment
It's called a banana hammock,
sort of a cod piece to stay warm
and enhance one's profile
Goes well with this
battered Bat bike,
battered Bat bike,
Two people mount it
to hurl through traffic
At sundown
the sky got crowded
Thursday was a portentous day,
At 10AM I heard on the radio
The body of an adult male
was removed from Paisley Park
At 11AM the radio said
The body of an adult male
was removed from Paisley Park
At 11AM the radio said
Prince had been found dead
I love to sit
in a vegetable garden,
Note US and MacDonald's flags
in the ironic distance
Rainbow shard in bed
Health is life
Health is life
It's a place I like to be
But I don't salute
any flag
Last week I said to myself
It's the type of place
where abandoned gas stations
stay abandoned
Then this week,
Earth Day
Earth Day
Lakeside park
You wouldn't say
uncloudy day
Roses play ring
Around the bandstand
After it rains
The quiet crows in the oaks
don't seem to mind
I join them in solidarity
in the enchanted trees,
in the fairy tunnel underneath
The flowering oaks
in Springtime,
Our emblematic tree
The clouds were magnificent
They spoke to me
Time comes to move on
I took the first exit
A day's vastness
culminating in cumulus clouds,
hard to keep inside
Gold threshold in purple clouds,
for Prince
None of you
stand so tall,
Pink moon
stand so tall,
Pink moon
gonna get you all
Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink,
Pink moon
April 2016
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