Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Difference a Day Makes

I had already heard 
on KPFA noon news headlines
before I left the house

Nice to feel something lifted from one's shoulders

I hit the pavement on Center street
and thought I'd take another look
at the show at the Arts Passage

I dig Aina's work
A Pan-African

This work is quite attractive
To the Sahara,
Let's get lost

I've long been a Berber at heart
Listening to the music of North Africa

 Time to get my Buddha feet
back on the Dharmapada

Around the corner to Milvia Street...

 Oh bang!

 It looks rather stained
Despite a steam-cleaning
 a good scrubbing
needed all around

I was embarassed that when
the President of Ireland came
To visit the balcony death shrine
He saw this sad blight as well,
Berkeley's mayor is bizarre

 I hope the mezoid security guards
don't become a fixture as a result
There's always money for more security,

When I went inside
I knew all the clerks
I theatrically pronounced,
"It looks so clean and bright today...
What could be different?
Oh yeah, they got rid
of that hobo jungle out there"

Customers and staff
shared the laugh.

just like a mattress
on a bottle of wine

12 April 2016

 Postal Police mean business


This whole situation was that desperate and opportunistic
 indigent people took advantage of the legitimate protest
to a proposed sale of the the Berkeley central post office.
They turned a public space into a homeless camp,
no real political activity,
Just festering in secretive tents eagerly accepting
hand-outs of food and dollar bills
Debris garbage and human waste ensued

Accept all transience
Take refuge on the Dharma way

 15, 13 April 2016

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