Monday, April 11, 2016

Rainy Days in Lakeside Park

It's lightly raining
 essential Springtime sensation
flowers enjoy us


So early in the Spring

 Color fix

 Silly geese 
They don't care about me

 See you later
Goosey gander

 Revelations of my own
To stalk and devour

In a wet wood
in the midst of the world

 Civilizations come to be
and then they're gone

Closed today
garden of the stunted trees

Mask of  Patriarchy

 Oasis shelter from the rain

 We dedicate all 
our unruly demonstrations
 to fearless Frank Ogawa


 Nobody else visiting 
under a gentle shower,
A feeling I'm not alone

 A cat was watching

 The psychedelic flora
of visionary California

 I sat here in mindfulnesss too
but you know,
you can skip the plaque 

 Not asparagus

 Kid trap

 Elephantine tree

 When you think of him
or just say a prayer here
Saint Francis is with you


 Ducky couple
Digging the verdant fertility

 On the lawn outside
of the Children's Fairyland,
She's eating for offspring,
He stands guard

 Genius reduced 
to commercial cliche
Poor Rene Magritte

March 2016

Easter April Showers

 The lawn so green
When the red red robin
Come a-bobbin along

 Dark in the park today

 I retreat inwardly
Into the Sensory Garden

 Maybe meditate a little
on the black hole at the center
of the Milky Way

 Representing Oakland 
twisty, pebbly,

 I  am as the waterfowl
undaunted by precipitation

  quiet moments
of inner growth

 The garden's far boundary

 I turn back,
I turn back,
Full of the sensory garden

 A tree blobs
Over the sidewalk

How it all gets started,
Insurgent natural world

9 April 2016

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