Sunday, September 6, 2015

September Exhibitions in Berkeley


 Sidewalk art

 What lies beneath

 Push pin pointillism

  American Thanksgiving dinner,
Does this turkey make my ass look fat?

The Cubist cul-de-sac

 Surrealist boudoir


 Another day,
Another dharma

 Soon the entire world will be commodified 



International Exposition


 The Jewel City
San Francisco 1915

 Bijoux of nostalgia

International Exposition
at San Francisco

 Holding up the walls
 The cost of life in the bay area,
The Labor of Hercules

World Fairs begin and end in time gone by

The flush of youth,
the shock of the new

 Hard won
The Golden West

 The glittering city of dreams

 Take from someone who spends a lot of time on the Bay
Treasure Island is cold and windy, 
Lonesome and dark

 Humanist ideals
Writ large

 Civilizations of the bay
Fall and vanish away

 Vaguely recollected on the street today

So we wait for the train doors to open
To take us on home...
Yipes stripes!
Oh to have been the breeze,
And those sneaker spats,
Hand off, R. Crumb, she's mine

August 2015

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