Sunday, September 13, 2015

High Country: Bluegrass on the Potomac

The Flaneur was the guest of Peter Thompson's Bluegrass Signal
 a radio program on KALX
for an evening concert aboard FDR's presidential yacht

 The sun was setting when I came aboard
View of the Port from the deck

 Roosevelt's sporty get-about
Beautifully preserved

 No axe to grind with the old aristocratic class traitor
Wish there had been many more like him

 The occasion tonight is rousing masterful concert by High Country,
I can testify that's where I was the entire time,
in high country

 The main action occurs in the ship's dining room,
Amid the amber ambiance of period decor

 Ghostly hats

 As always an ashtray alongside


 Medicine chest, note the morphine and the cocaine

 Lots of spirits aboard

 Whatever floats your boat

 Everybody's aboard 
and we're all smoking

 Not least these living treasures
Singing in that transporting, plaintive,
traditional bluegrass style

 A vintage lounge area,
Sign shows the various fun times had aboard
This prized artifact of American cultural, naval, 
and political history

 From bow,

 To mid-ship

 To stern,
Lingered out on the poop deck
 for a refresher toke, a moment alone

 The bassist and the banjo were like a locomotive,
The whole band interlocking with bluegrass perfection

An officer's bunk,
"Please don't sit on the bed" sign,
Always giving orders

 The ship's office
Existing in past and present 
at the same illusion of time

I could sail this,
Reminds me of my pad actually

Self-explanatory signage

  Things were a bit more austere for the young swabies,
But hey, I just read about a sleeping pod
For rent in a San Francisco garage

Return to the music chamber
Sailing toward enchantment

 The dobro player also sang
As did four of the other pickers,
Not to chose my favorite but it might have been him

 Brass tacks of the history of the boat

See you again soon

11 September 2015
(last image August 2015)

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