Friday, July 21, 2017

The Museum of Capitalism, Part 1

Huge high-quality show
up now at Jack London Square
across from the main Marina
Up until 20 August 2017

 I want to get some
boots on their grounds

It's a free admission
full-blown museum-style show

Here we  are now
info-tain us

Corporate Logo
Hall of Honor

Commodify thyself

Better consider
the alternatives

Separation fence
The armies are at the borders
to stem the human tide

The rough industrial finish
its materials and textures
echoes the artworks
It is the perfect site-specific location
for this synthesizing
yet ground-breaking experience

With my whole heart
I stand with standing rock

Against the Koch family,
Against Rex Tillerson
Against Sheldon Adelson
Against the whole class
of the earth-despoiling
predatory wealthy

I'd call this the centerpiece
of the show

this is a Banksy work
appropriated and sold
 by Walmart

And yes
there is a gift shop
although on knowing
and somewhat ironical one

It expands into
a figurative 13th floor
a twilit zone
devoid of merchandise

In the capitalism study
two vending machines
one is free
the other requires 50 cents
Plastic globes with
mini Hershey bars in both

The Capitalist Bathroom Experience

Classic really,
California law prohibits pay toilets
for the most part
But this is more post-capitalist than those
This is one that requires that
one contain oneself
and supplicate oneself
to acquire a punch-in code

Core sample
with handcuffs in amber

Steel shibboleth stencils
 retail display

Government toxic site

Join the GMO parade

Toxic waste from like
fracking or deep water drilling
or tar sands or something

The Earth is
private property

Its landscape
flora and fauna,
its water

The soil
the minerals
the fossils

Its primitive
indigenous people

All jewels
in billionaires crowns

Anywhere out of this world
  bateau ivre

Its not without

The oiligarchy

Text to follow
I'll continue to fill out this post

How has Capitalism
change the Bay?

San Francisco with its new
donkey-dong TransBay building
Alameda shipyard on the left
Port of Oakland on the right

July 2017

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