Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MLK Weekend

The Flaneur faces the music and the weather
as ever seeking awe


 Big Chief Rain-the-Face
I spent a pleasant afternoon indoors
with Harry Shearer and America's Back Forty
on the radio until four-thirty
when I had to bust out
I went to the North end of the estuary

 I dig walking in the rain 
which was still light and intermittent
(selfie found on camera later)

After grooving in bird land 
 and cutting back through the soggy park
I walked back for tofu and pasta at natural food racket
Then waited for my bus in this shelter as the rain drove on
A couple in light jackets on bikes stopped at the red light
I sang to show commiseration and they pulled-in with me,
Alex and Pamela were from Ireland and they quickly
Saw that the Blarney Stone's influence was far and wide
As I chatted away and showed them my photo of the Berkeley memorial
She knew that the President of Ireland had dedicated a tree there
Braced they rolled off again into the evening rain
I came home and made me dinner

Martin Luther King, Jr Day

I awoke to an expanse of sunny day and made a spur of the moment decision,
The clencher was a news radio report on the drama of giant waves,
Pack my lunch and head out by noon
The holiday keep the train travel smooth and sparsely-filled,
At Embarcadero I transferred to MUNI
Hoping an immediate N-Judah over my tentative grand plan
Which was to go out to the Zoo stop way along the beach,
But my alacrity in getting to the ocean Won me a solid hour
Of partly cloudy sky before a monolithic rain cloud approached
It stayed mild throughout  my stay however
I split two hours later as a mist started to come in,
The waves were like a vast topography of mountain ranges in motion,
The shallow tide them in between accentuated this effect,
In my lon meditation at times I saw them as pyramids ranging across
The void of a desert land
The white water between them added to the fantastical vista
I encamped in a dune hollow with a commanding view,
Eventually I knew that despite the cold and my slight cold
I would enact an New Year's tradition of mine
Like A matador I marched into the arena
Rolled up my pants and went in the water
Of course an over-eager wave came to meet me
I was instantly up to my knees in the very frigid water

Ah life
The blues and the epiphanous moments
the clothes the soul wears

I had a puff of a Skywalker/Cherry AK cannabis blend
I think I dropped the roach
It was in a water-proof pill bottle
Highly probable my loss will be another's gain
Bless them
As it was, I entered the dream time
Buildings and the rest of things
looked enchanting on my long
Ride back though San Francisco on a cloudy holiday

January 2016

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