Friday, July 10, 2015

Troubled Soul at the Lake


The approach to Fairyland

Happy-sad about the way things sometimes are

 Not a sun shiny day by any measure,
God's children still got to get out under the sky

The Alice in Wonderland ride 
A family surrounded by oaks

 Grown-ups get to make the rules,
...something doesn't feel quite right today

 No....who would?

The life force guides me forward

 Colors and forms that heal

 I'm on a bee-line
A quest for fragrance,
Aroma therapy

 Following my nose
To the sweetest rose

 Bee's-eye view
The most urgent flower

 I have risen again
To the top of the blossoming trees, at least

 Drop by the garden center on the way out,
Named after this admirable black educator

 What? struck again!
 Attacks on these wonderful public places,
Implications of future bug-outs

A gloomy jewel in a necklace of light,
Place of peaceful enjoyment for many,
 A place of torment for some poor souls
Afield in the pitiless city night

A prayer for all who suffer,
A prayer for us all

8 July 2015

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