Saturday, October 19, 2019

October Poem Tome


October Poem Tome
Ad Astra
God sent a self-driving car for me
Its destination was encrypted
I got in I had no choice
I went along for the ride
hazy day no horizon
I whistled a sad air
the limo went past the graveyard
and kept on it didn't stop
I passed by granite cathedrals
outdoor stations-of-the-cross
The vehicle knew where
I did not
The sky resembled a frozen lake
Nightfall and the misty stars
The stars said I was headed north
We never stopped--Water
 apricots nuts cheese and flatbread
had been laid in
The landscape at night was white
Mountainous silhouettes rose and fell
The limo came to a halt
I got out without stopping
Lastly a vast green bar in space
growing larger enveloping the full moon
throwing tentacles of astral color
to all horizons of a trembling earth
Darkness gave way to utter splendor
irrational astonishment
Mind heading heavenward 
on its journey to the stars
Black Apples of Tibet
I conceived of a new planetary system
that revolved around me
a police car gum machine panache
No one would have to know
I'd exist only to those
in my perceptual spectrum
And walk around undersea cities
and forests ablaze
Still stopping at red lights
wearing clothes and passing
for normative
Comets and mystic moons
mine alone to behold
10 seagulls at dusk
harass a strange bird roosting
on the dark tower
100 crows cross
7th street in Chinatown
flocks of October
Hares go forth after dark
except in mating season
happening naturally in march

Tate in 85
I went deep into Blake's light
quiet few people

When a broke grifter in a cheap hotel
notices the Gideon's bible
he sees his next career move

Sometimes I wonder if there is
anyone pervy enough to really dig
my deformity
Punk: Not a mode of music or dress but permanent revolution
a dialectic between mindless positivism
and the great negativistic hand
Urban Nighttime Soundscape
Sirens at bed time
get so you no longer notice
Trains like old memories
fading as they go
Street sleepers may argue
usually just before dark
Weaponized motorcycles
a moving gun show parade
Some with ultra loud music
hostile militarized radio
All audio phenomena embedded
in the highway's toxic whisper
Yacht Club Bench Point
barefoot in clover
marine cloud blankets the coast
bridges at high points only
jeep pulls up with bullhorn
boat anchored fishing
in the marina channel
get lost
other side of the breakwater
saltwater expanse like manifest mind
existence in cleavage in the trees
refracted in all ways
congeals bright fungus like
berkeley cops roll by
 the outskirts on the bay
past the edge of town
In search of the lost papyrus
on which my first poem was read
Nothing to do with Osiris
Nothing to do with the dead
I saw a ship behind the sun
Coming my way
Couldn't make it out in the brilliance
Then behind it three ships
Then another row of five
then nine an armada
fanning out behind
The lead ship of the sun
Against my will
I started to become a monster
I was in farmland a lot
terrible animal husbandry
The old Onanist
who wore out his balls
Hitler gave anti-Semitism
a bad name
I found the backdoor to Hell
Not to get in but to get out
I wrote a long letter to God
to ask for forgiveness again
His métier after all
Imagine the worst person in the world
having the most military might
Would a guillotine be too much?
Special rendition to a secret prison?
Plea bargain for waterboarding at Gitmo
the Art of the Deal
Fate's inexplicable arrow

Haunted by the eccentric
who sleeps in a mummy bag
inside an Egyptic sarcophagus
now afloat in a flooded basement
sand and seawater

 The world to be seen and unseen
so much seen once and not seen again
the finite unspooling of subjective perception
water in a infinite glacial state
all perception exists as one mind
outside of time dreaming in
dreaming the world of time
birth death incidents along the road
mainly monotonous tarmac
some tar pits some mere mirage
Epiphanous amnesties
mild neuronic action out of doors
Tuning forks wind down
Mo more asphalt no more
gas stations no more cows
Wind and weather
scrub the crime scene
sand in the hourglass
cease to add up
the ambiguous incalculable

Great Ohlone rock
cresting the sunlit ridge top
alone not for long

Over three clear nights
never saw the Hunter's moon
cold breeze from the Gate

Devil's Wind

Leaves and debris flags and bags
hurdy gurdy in the wild breeze
the first sun seems wan
The lacuna of the universe
the black hole at the galactic center
indeed a worm hole may be
Life comes back fast
after great extinction events
new aggressive spiders

The Past Thundered Past
 Old Amherst Mass

(memoir of grimoire)

Emily's for Halloween
One more empty haunted edifice
On Pleasant Street was it?
Call it Pleasant Street
The busy little liquor store
The dismal City Hall
restroom open at night
A fountain a church
Sidewalks rolled up and stored
for morning with glad rags strewn
The former Folklore Center
A rustic store for country food in bulk
 a freaked-out peaceful life
Fahey LPs esoteric books
for a conjectural world view
Borderland conjuring
Log's bar eagerly entered
easily forgotten nights
when Sticky Fingers was new
Ramshackle topiary hut out back
Smoke lodge for a fleeting house

The cemetery a stone's throw away
Austere Dickinson plot
Legend hidden by a wrought iron fence
Stars roll upward from burial mounds
The Dickinson estate behind a row of trees
Its garden I spectered alone
on gelatinous nights set in  moonlight
Slept in a drowsy meadow
just down the railroad tracks
Through the Pioneer Valley chilly night
light still on up late
Had a crummy place here one year
How gleeful it was to live
Somewhat poor and young
copious hashish and laughter
Throwing open the bathroom window
in wee wee hours
to watched the train thunder
just below

Mad face paintings a blue guru
white-washed skull mask
Nosferatu skull cap
Bonfire at Erik the Rat's
in feral Belchertown
Sunken eyes and a ruffled shirt
blonde succubus on either arm
New England rocked the cradle
on All Hallow's Eve

Head of the Estuary

Squadron of sea birds
hover high over--shadows
on distant high-rise

The church foyer lit
sunlight on a baptism font
ineffable organ chord

World reassembling
the Cleveland Cascade respite
as the world cascades

So quiet the peace
seven silent geese passed
water turns the page

Three ravens keep
a open eye
waiting for me
to pass by


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