Saturday, January 26, 2019

Demi Sleep Cinema (poetry)


Demi Sleep Cinema
blood spurt supernova
men cut themselves with crab claws
iron age cosmos
eastern slope of the ice shelf goes south
the swells export one to ice land
the universe forgot it was there
no one is forcing you to listen to it
ancient air bubbles escape
along the borders of the brain
sounds from the next room the others
radio reaches the end of the classical repertoire
the four dimensions
vivaldi's green velvet lp jacket
long player of the wind in an aeloean house
the maze of hallways
stairway to a cul-de-sac
skylight shingled-over 
pot-bellied stove a vast passage
microcosm of the embers
shudder to think of crossing
snow pastures toward winter
after the stormfront left ice
doppleganger world remains
trees stand here for hundreds of years
one knows what to expect
wheeling skies full of bugs
or perfect clouds of plenty
glaciers left boulders just so
scoured the resurgent earth
the three layers within
an invisible carapace
protects our planet
Edgar Poe stood at the foot of my cradle
looked for him later in Providence
among the spectral old houses
Young and given to folly
I fell in love with melancholy
Three mere sleeping bags
cold sidewalk near full shelter
nowhere else to go
Looking above for
super bloody werewolf moon
a face full of rain
Civil defense burst
into a hayden concerto
with flash flood warning
the rain storm pauses
6 am train traffic blares
earthquake shakes my bed

 piscine blimp trolls
bay side mount tamalapais
in limitless sky

Dream of a jet liner
flying too low over Berkeley
out of my gray window of morning
watch it follow the horizon ominously
crashes far off screen
somewhere south smoke ensues
rising from the crash site
can't get window open to look
grotesque black clouds form
entities overhead
Someone in my room
in the aftermath
a young man I tell him
to get out
he leaves then I find
his keys and phone device
he's in the hallway
leaving another apartment
and I give it to him
cute young man but
he didn't knock
Later a young couple and
a sad street kid are there
I tell the urchin to go
when he argues over
no cigarette-smoking
The couple remain silently
watching the disaster clouds
(Notes in English
after Arthur Rimbaud)
Not as frisky, not so frivolous
still a frisson to fritter hours
 a bench beneath fritillary flowers
to frolic like frogspawn in a frock coat
Yet fretful of friendly society
the friction the frightful frippery
A Freudian friar on Fridays
fried to a fricassee
by the frills and the frizz
of fringe benefits
A frisbee in the fronds
o my friend
there are no friends
Land of the Cave Bear
The fort made of rafts sleeps four
impregnable but for the concealed
entrance to a cave underground
Ten men came into remote wilderness
By five river rafts that fitted together
to form a cube with no door
Bad spirits here say the natives
Said to be a lost land of cave bears
Lynx grow to enormous size
Snowshoe paws the size of pillows
Formidable wolverines hold their ground
The Arctic wolf betrayed by scat
The fort has slits plugged
with removable slabs of glass
to let in light keep out cold
to permit guns extended
The rafts made of timber
soaked in pitch not subject to flame
under extreme conditions only
by then an empty fort
Rumble of hibernating bears
reverberates in the network of caves
 cold subterranean lungs
barely perceptible almost beyond hearing
beyond the light of the torch
After building the fort six men
left on foot to rotate back in a year
Four stay for the somber duration
and mine a McGuffin they leave with
when the relief arrives
Yet the men had been tracked back
by evil men working for the rapacious rich
Those that survive a horrendous animal attack
find the fort and lay in watch
can't figure the wood smoke chimney
what it means how they may come and go
the other exit in an rock outcrop unknown
Decide it's the mine entrance they seek
Their attack is repelled after
death and a fatal wounding soon to die
The fort over the earth portal
where the four men sleep
under sweeping torqueing northern lights
A night when a 15 foot bear
prowls the roof
sniffing the smoke

Tall ship made of ice
not as first imagined
as a ship encased in ice
but carved of ice
seen translucent in the slow sunlight
elephantine sculpture

Mountain made into a bust
of a leader barely remembered
the tall ship made of ice
narrows down to the water line
then gradually blossoms out
into a vast undersea iceberg

How was it fashioned?
for what possible use or purpose
the ice berg ship proceeds
silently through glacial canyons
a luxury cruise of the damned
no good can come of filthy wealth

An orchestra on deck under borealis
perfervid dancers
fall into the sea heedlessly
off of a retracting esplanade
each couple in turn
interior of shooting gallery

black and white Hollywood back lot

what are my dreams?
my dreams are unseen
the virtual situation is this
echoes in tiled rooms
bells from the steeples below

 January 2019


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